Share Your Story
Credit unions have disproportionately paid the price for the bad acts of big Wall Street banks. During the financial crisis, these big banks had to be bailed out by taxpayers, while financially sound credit unions were there to help their middle class members weather the storm. Despite not causing the problem, credit unions now face the same expensive regulatory burdens. If you have personally been impacted by additional regulations at your credit union, please share with us. Perhaps your mortgage wait time was prolonged, or costs associated with attaining that mortgage increased as a result of regulations. Some services or products may have been removed from your credit union because they were deemed too costly as a result of regulations. If your services have been impaired in any way and you are willing to share, we would like to hear from you.
*By submission, I give my consent for all or part of my submission itself, to be used by CUNA in any manner in which CUNA may choose, free and clear of any claim on my part, and without compensation paid to me relating to such use.